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JIMMY PAGE - Lucifer Rising
Lucifer Rising - entre Novembro de 1973 e 1974.

Considerado como o filme mais elaborado vanguardista cineasta Kenneth Anger, o Lucifer Rising (1970-1980, 28 minutos) ocorre em vários pontos no Egito, Inglaterra e Alemanha. Na tela, a Odd-tinged rock soundtrack puxa os espectadores através de uma série de obsessivamente encenado e assustadoramente realizado cerimônias, movimentos e rituais.
Originalmente Jimmy Page iria compor a trilha. Page estava trabalhando na trilha sonora a três anos (desde 1973) e entregue 28 minutos de fita concluída. No entanto, Kenneth Anger teria demitido Page por desperdício de tempo e falta de dedicação ao projeto, Eventualmente, o músico Bobby Beausoleil, um membro da família Manson, foi contratado para completar a trilha sonora.

Page Gravaria pela primeira vez na Sotheby's, em um leilão de botas do ocultista Inglês / Mago Aleister Crowley. Page várias vezes manifestado interesse nos ensinamentos de Crowley. Ele possui a segunda maior colecção de livros de Crowley no mundo, e uma de suas três casas é antiga residência de Crowley na Boleskine nas margens do Loch Ness.
''Considered as avant garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger's most elaborate film, Lucifer Rising (1970-1980, 28 mins) takes place at various historically "magic" spots in Egypt, England and Germany. On screen, the odd rock-tinged soundtrack pulls viewers through a series of obsessively staged and hauntingly realized ceremonies, movements and rituals.
Originally Led Zeppelin guitarist and leader Jimmy Page was to compose the score. Page had been working on the score for three years (since 1973) and delivered 28 minutes of completed tape. However, Anger fired Page for time-wasting and a lack of dedication to the project, and claimed that Page's personal problems had made him impossible to work with. Eventually, musician Bobby Beausoleil, a member of the Manson family, was commissioned to complete the soundtrack.
Page and Anger first met at Sotheby's, at an auction of boots by the English Occultist/Magician Aleister Crowley. Both Page and Anger are students of Crowley's teachings. Anger is a practicing Magus (a priest/magician) and his films, of which Scorpio Rising is perhaps the best known - are replete with occult symbolism. Anger himself describes them as "Spells and Invocations."
Page has often expressed interest in the teachings of Crowley. He owns the second largest collection of Crowley's books in the world, and one of his three houses is Crowley's former residence at Boleskine on the shores of Loch Ness.
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